Thursday, 14 June 2012

Care for your heart

while you sleep
In which position do you sleep?
If you sleep on your stomach or on your left side, you are putting
pressure on your heart with the extra body weight, while the heart has
to continue pumping blood as usual.
This additional burden wears the heart out more quickly. Think
about it - you spend more than one third of your life sleeping!
To reduce the strain on your heart, sleep on your right side, or on
your back. This simple technique will add years to your life.

Avoid eye problems caused by T.V. and monitors

Avoid eye problems
caused by T.V. and

The eye was not made to be constantly focused on close objects.
If your work requires that you stare at a computer screen all day long
or if you watch a lot of television, stop from time to time to do a few
eye exercises.
For example, roll your eyes in large circles in both directions;
look over to each side as far as possible and then go from up to
down; or scan an imaginary text on the wall from left to right; or look
out the window as far as you can following the horizon then return to
a point right in front of you and begin again.
In this way, you will avoid long term eye problems, you will
enlarge your inner space, and relax both your eyes and your mind.



Pakistani women have an amazing trick they use to stay slim: they
keep a string permanently tied around their forearms. According to
Dr. Drupas, a gentle but constant pressure on the nerves in the
forearm stimulates certain glands, particularly those involved in
weight control (thyroid, suprarenals).
Why don’t you try it? Find two ordinary rubber bands and place
them around your right forearm, one third of the way up between your
wrist and elbow.
The rubber bands should exert noticeable pressure without cutting
off blood circulation and should not slip or slide when you move
your arm. This is not a tourniquet!
For best results, you have to wear the rubber bands constantly,
even at night when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear any
other jewelry on the right arm.


1. How to fight aging
Did you know that just walking for 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a
week is enough to combat aging?
According to researchers at the University of California, one of
the principle causes of deterioration of the human organism’s physical
faculties is its diminished ability to metabolize glucose. And they
showed that even leisurely exercise, like taking a walk, plays an
important role in keeping glucose metabolism functioning smoothly.
Do you spend the whole day sitting at your desk or in front of a
computer screen? Why not get up occasionally and do a few minutes
of physical exercise? Don’t worry about what other people think.
In some Japanese companies, it is even become a collective
habit. Every twenty minutes a bell sounds, and everybody gets up to
do some stretching exercises, after which they sit down again as if
nothing had happened. Japanese managers are convinced that their
employees are more productive when they are relaxed.